During the pandemic, as we needed to space out desks more in the main office building for the safety of our staff, our external building known as Unit 4 became quite cluttered and neglected.
Where it was previously used for staff training, socialising and big events, it was now a pile of desks and chairs, slowly collecting dust.
As we are growing to nearly 50 members of staff, the plan was always to clear it out and give it a facelift, so it could once again be an area that our team could benefit from.
We thought what better time for some decorating than just after the Christmas decorations have come down?
Brand new flooring, paint, furniture and graphics has transformed the unit to bring it in line with the rest of our office this week.

By far the most important part of Unit 4 is our training room which is the first stop for any new member of staff. Before anyone picks up a phone or replies to an email, they spend several weeks here with one of our trainers getting to grips with both the recruitment and umbrella industries, and most importantly how our software works from top to bottom.
It’s not just new members of staff who make use of this area, however, as any big legislative change or update to our software means every member of our team need to learn all about the important details. The motto “every day is a school day” is definitely true for us!

With our support team continuing to grow in size year-on-year, it was vital for us to continue to improve our training facilities so we could accommodate them all and ensure our customers always got the very best service when they open a support ticket.
The new frosting on the windows will provide our team privacy during training sessions and, as Covid restrictions ease, the option to add more training systems in the room will allow for larger sessions.

However it’s not just our staff who benefit from this as the training facility is also available to our customers. Although we are more than happy to carry out training at your offices, or more commonly remotely online these days, some people prefer to take a trip to our office for the sessions. The beautiful beaches and woodland walks might have something to do with that!
Unit 4 isn’t just about learning though: it’s where our staff can relax, socialise, and get away from their desks.

That can mean a few games of table tennis, watching something on the TV, or just a comfortable place to eat lunch. In addition to the main kitchen facilities in the office, Unit 4 has a small kitchen for added convenience, to encourage staff members to eat away from their desks.
Newer furniture is not only more comfortable, but also makes the area more spacious, giving the option for additional forms of entertaining and relaxation to be added over time. This is in addition to showering facilities that has already been installed at the office for those who bike to work or exercise over lunch, and a proposed idea for an in-house gym.
Finally, Unit 4 is where we have large gatherings for both business and social occasions. For the former, it’s regular meetings to discuss across several departments the ongoing development and changes to our products, and for the latter it can range from summer parties to Christmas drinks during normal times.