Your payroll software can’t keep up with the ever changing demands of the temporary recruitment or umbrella markets, is making your payroll team’s life a living hell, and you wish you never signed a contract with your current provider.
So what do you do?
The only real answer is to switch to a new payroll software package that can keep up with the demands and do everything you need, quickly and reliably.
For many businesses, however, the idea of switching payroll software is a dreaded scenario. You’re leaping into the unknown, changing processes, and worry about the extra time and money it will take to get everything up and running.
The good news is we have a lot of experience helping businesses switch their payroll software over to us and you’ll never feel left alone in the dark with our experienced project managers, account managers, and support desk.
Let’s break the process down into 3 easy steps.
Step 1: Identifying the problems with your current payroll software provider
It goes without saying that you’ll be looking to switch your payroll software because you’re not happy with your current solution, but what factors are making your life harder?
The most common complaint we here is the company behind the software is hard to do business with. That could mean you can never get through to them on the phone, the support you receive is lacking, or they’re unable to accommodate bespoke development for your unique needs.
We are a lot more than a software provider – we will be your software partner. This means that our goal is to make sure your payroll runs smoothly every single time, and we want to help you grow and succeed. Our fully UK-based team are here for you no matter how big or small the question might be, so you won’t feel like you’re being ghosted.
Another common issue is a payroll software struggling to keep up with all the changes to legislation. We know how complex the temporary recruitment and umbrella markets can be, and are committed to providing free updates whenever legislation changes. Your payroll software should always enable you to be compliant, it’s as simple as that.
Once you’ve got a clear idea about what it is that’s causing your payroll team so much pain, you’ll be ready to look for a new solution.
Step 2: Talking to us about what you need
After 25 years developing payroll software one thing has become very obvious to us: no single company has the exact same payroll needs.
That’s why as a very first step we run you through a demo of our software to show you what a “typical” process looks like, and then you can tell us anything you might need tweaked or changed.
For most, they’re tiny changes. For some, they’re a bit bigger. But, regardless of what you need, our in-house developers will be able to configure your system to meet your exact requirements.
And if we can’t do it? We’ll tell you. We don’t believe in overpromising and underdelivering, so if we think we’re not the right fit for you, we’ll let you know as soon as possible to save us both time.
Our best in class reputation has been built on decades of honesty and that’s never going to change.
Step 3: Starting the switch to Merit
Once you’ve identified your current problems and learnt about how we will solve them, the switching process will begin.
This is where you’re handed over to our project managers who will provide you with an action plan that covers every step of the process.
You’ll know exactly what we be doing, what you need to do, and how we’re going to get you up and running as quickly as possible.
During this process you’ll have consultations, be updated about the configuration of your system, receive training (either on-site or remotely), and have the software installed (Hosted in the cloud or on-premise).
Most importantly your system will be tested to ensure it meets all of your requirements before you run a live payroll.
When is the best time to switch?
Now that you know how simple we make the process it’s time to address the question we’re asked most frequently.
The truth is there is no terrible time to switch payroll software – the longer you leave it, the worse it will get for you.
With that said, to have a “clean slate” many businesses like to go live in April for the start of the new financial year.
Unsurprisingly, this is the busiest time of the year for us, so we always suggest that companies with this type of deadline in mind gets the ball rolling with us sooner rather than later so we can get you up and running in time.
So, don’t delay in switching your payroll software any longer – drop us a message and let’s have a quick chat.