A booming Recruitment Agency Expo is positive for industry

Last week, after a long two years away from trade shows, it was great to be back at the Olympia in London for the Recruitment Agency Expo. It wasn’t quite the Olympia we remembered with well over half the building demolished in the middle of a large construction project, but we were very encouraged by the overall large footfall at …

Protect yourself from cyber attacks with Merit

Over the last few weeks it has been impossible to miss the news about cyber attacks in the recruitment and umbrella markets and the knock-on effect this has had on workers having their payments delayed. Although our software has not been involved in any of the recent incidents reported on the news, security for our customers is always a top …

Training and social areas get a New Year makeover

During the pandemic, as we needed to space out desks more in the main office building for the safety of our staff, our external building known as Unit 4 became quite cluttered and neglected. Where it was previously used for staff training, socialising and big events, it was now a pile of desks and chairs, slowly collecting dust. As we …

4 ways to make your payroll skyrocket this bonfire night

If you feel like your current payroll software is a bit like Guy Fawkes – hiding in the shadows, plotting against you, and liable to cause a destructive bang at a moments notice – now is the time to look at switching. As your software partner, we’re always by your side and working together. We’ll help you ‘light the blue …

A Deep Dive for National Payroll Week

Today is the start of National Payroll Week and we really wanted to give something back to the wonderful payroll teams who use Merit at the heart of their payroll departments this year. We’re excited to be able to do that by taking you on a Deep Dive of your system. We know that payroll needs change over time and …

Tailored payroll software for the perfect fit

When it comes to finding the perfect fit, you very rarely find it off-the-shelf. Let’s use a nice suit as an example. Sure, you can walk into a high street store and find one that has the right measurements on paper, but when you wear it you never get that feeling that it’s exactly right for your body. A tailored …

The importance of software training

We know that payroll software for recruitment agencies and umbrella companies can be complex, which is why we design our software to make it as simple as possible for our customers. But we also know that designing software which is easy to use isn’t enough by itself if the users are going in without any knowledge about the system. This …

The launch of Merit 12

Today we’re delighted to be officially launching Merit 12! As always, this will be a free update for all customers, so you don’t need to do anything. We’ll be rolling out the update shortly and a member of our team will be in touch with all the details about the process. If you didn’t receive our in-depth email on Friday …

Don’t delay in getting your payroll software IR35 ready

It’s back! The hot topic of the recruitment world took a back seat over the last twelve months, but now it’s back, and it’s more important than ever to ensure your company is ready. We are of course talking about IR35. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK Government delayed the implementation of IR35 in the private sector …

Cloud vs On-Premise: Which is best for you?

One of the most common questions we are asked by new customers is whether they should opt for a cloud or on-premise solution for their software. It is important that the software you choose is as flexible as you need it to be, and often one is positioned as better than the other, however in real world terms that is …